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Manifesto help

You start. You start with repeating parts of a sentence. Then, you add a few words from the ambitious yet refreshing strategy. You ask a question that’s not really a question? You don’t really answer it. But you take a pause. To make sure it feels like you have. ... ... The music elevates. Coldplay’s Clocks usually does the trick. More ...

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Inverse emotions

If you type in Neville Chamberlain into Google Images you'll find what this post is all about. To backtrack a little, Neville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of Team Great Britain on the lead up to WW2 and the first year of it. He's remembered for being completely out of touch ...

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“How do you carve an elephant. You chip away anything that doesn’t look like an elephant and what’s left is an elephant”. Theodore W. Khell   We’ve heard the simplest route is often the best when it comes to advertising. A little like Occum’s razor, the best communication is founded in the ...

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Sadism and its causal link with creativity inside advertising agencies

Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote “To see others suffer does one good, to make others suffer even more: this is a hard saying but an ancient, mighty, human, all-too-human principle... Without cruelty there is no festival.” Why does this statement feel like it should be embedded in the motto of every ad agency. TBWA: ...

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